Kung Fu, Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan, FU YING MELERO
kung fu FU YING
kung fu FU YING
Kung fu FU YING
Kung fu FU YING
Kung fu FU YING
Kung fu FU YING
Kung fu FU YING
Shaolin pou fa de Tit jin cheong kuen
Cheung Bau Jong (saco de arena de pared)
Defensa Personal
Seong tau gwun "Palo de doble cabeza"
Tai hung kai gwun (palo gran bandera roja)
Hu gwun (Palo de mono)
Mui fa cheong (Lanza flor de ciruelo)
Gau wan pa kwa dahn do (sable de 9 aros pa kwa)
Sup ji mui fa seong do (Doble dahn do flor de ciruelo luchando en cruz)
Wu sau ngau (Ganchos de guerra)
Seong fu tao pai doi chack seong do (Dos espadas y dos escudos enfrentados)
Ma jong, Ching jong, Cheung bau jong





          All practical knowledge is found in the different techniques that are practiced in the 198 forms of the system. Most of these forms consist of more than 150 movements (some forms have more than 300 movements).

These forms are divided into the following categories:

          - Empty-hand forms (47)

          - Two people  forms  (13)

          - Weapons (55) (solo forms)

          - Two people  weapon forms (55) (Two or more people):

                   - Empty-hand against weapon

                   - Weapon against weapon

                   - Single person with weapon against various armed people

          - Wooden dummy forms (18)

          - Lion dancing forms (10)

          These forms are divided into three different levels:

          Primary (beginners), secondary (intermediate) and tertiary (advanced)

          It is not necessary to train and practice all these forms to become a good master or fighter. The practice of only a few forms of each level is enough to become a good kung fu master.

People have different physical and mental abilities and so, not all techniques are good or adequate for all people. Depending on the speed, strength and character of the person, then we have different suitable techniques that can be trained and performed.

          A kung fu system must be rich enough to accommodate to the personal differences of each person and situation.

          “The more techniques a style has, the more chances of success it may offer us”


NG LUNG MA   “Five wheel stance form

NG LUNG CHOE   “Five wheel stance and fist form

KUNG CHI FOO FU KUEN   “Kung pattern to hold back the tiger

TID JIN CHEONG KUEN   “Iron arrow long fist"

SIU SUP JI KUEN   “Small cross pattern hand form

SIU MUI FA   “Small plum blossom hand form

SUP JI JIT FU   “Cross pattern of tiger-blocking hand form

PING JIAN KUEN   “Level elbow hand form

PING KUEN    “Level hand form

DAAI SUP JI KAU DA   “Great cross pattern of Kau da hand form


SEI MOON KIU YOU SAN MA  “Lively horse, four door bridge form

SUP BAK LO HAN SAU JIT GUNG KUEN  “18 Buddhas' 18 hands changing  tendons"

YO YAO DAN TOI KUEN   “Left and right on one leg

GOI LING PIK DA SOI SAU YIN YANG KUNG   “Fight harassing and annoying the enemy

DAI PA KWA   “Great pa kwa

SIU PA KWA   “Small pa kwa

MUI FA PA KWA   “Plum blossom pa kwa

DA TING PA KWA   “Daht-Ting's pa kwa

YEE JONG PA KWA   “Righteous and strong pa kwa

HUN YEN PA KWA   “Bear man pa kwa

DAI FU PA KWA   “Fighting the tiger pa kwa

NG YIN PA KWA   “Five animals Pa Kwa

PA KWA SAM    “Heart of pa kwa


BAK MO KUEN    “White hair hand form

FU YING KUEN   “Tiger hand form

FUT JEUNG KUEN   “Buddha palm

YOI BAK SING   “Eight drunken immortals

LUNG YING PA KWA  “Dragon pa kwa hand form

LUNG YING KUEN   “Dragon hand form

LUNG YING PA KWA JEONG KUEN  “Dragon's Pa Kwa palms

SHEN YING KUEN   “Snake hand form

HOK YING KUEN   “Crane hand form

PAO YING KUEN   “Leopard hand form

SIE YING KUEN   “Lion hand form

JIAN YING KUEN   “Elephant hand form

MA YING KUEN   “Horse hand form

HOU YING KUEN   “Monkey hand form

BIU YING KUEN   “Deer hand form

LUNG SHE FU PAO HOK YING KUEN   “Five animals hand form

SUP YING KUEN   “Ten animals hand form

YIN YANG NOI NIM SOU   “Yin Yang internal sticky hands

CHUIN LUNG SAP BAK SIK   “18 Rolling de dragón techniques

NOI YUN SUP BACK GA (NOIN CHON SUP BAK GA)   “18 hidden techniques

KAM LA LIN FA KUEN   “Non-stop grab and luxation techniques

TONG YUN YU WAI DIM YU KUEN   “dim mak - Hitting acupuncture points of the copper dummy"